
Kullanım örnekleri

four hundred
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Phonetic: "/foː/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The digit or figure 4; an occurrence thereof.

Definition: Anything measuring four units, as length.

Example: Do you have any more fours? I want to make this a little taller.

Definition: A person who is four years old.

Example: I'll take the threes, fours and fives and go to the playground.

Definition: An event in which the batsmen run four times between the wickets or, more often, a batsman hits a ball which bounces on the ground before passing over a boundary, resulting in an award of 4 runs for the batting team. If the ball does not bounce before passing over the boundary, a six is awarded instead.

Definition: A power forward.

Definition: Four-man sweep racing shell, with or without a coxswain.

Definition: A four-pennyworth of spirits.

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Phonetic: "/foː/"

Part Of Speech: numeral

Definition: A numerical value equal to 4; the number after three and before five; two plus two. This many dots (••••)

Example: There are four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn.

Definition: Describing a set or group with four elements.

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Phonetic: "/ˈhʌndɚd/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A hundred-dollar bill, or any other note denominated 100 (e.g. a hundred euros).

Definition: An administrative subdivision of southern English counties formerly reckoned as comprising 100 hides (households or families) and notionally equal to 12,000 acres.

Definition: (by extension) Similar divisions in other areas, particularly in other areas of Britain or the British Empire

Definition: A score of one hundred runs or more scored by a batsman.

Example: He made a hundred in the historic match.

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Phonetic: "/ˈhʌndɚd/"

Part Of Speech: numeral

Definition: A numerical value equal to 100 (102), occurring after ninety-nine.

Example: a hundred, one hundred

Definition: (24-hour clock) The pronunciation of “00” for the two digits denoting the minutes.

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